Paul Magogan
Головна заповідь одна і єдина – любити Господа Ісуса Христа й вірити в нього.

Be happy, enjoy life

Our Lord is perfect and beautiful, and the created world, the work of God's hands, is beautiful as well. We should be satisfied with our lives and praise the Maker for His wonderful deeds.

As Jesus Christ taught, to love God is the first and greatest commandment. Only faith in God can bring us calm, peace with ourselves, happiness, prosperity and everything else we want to achieve.

But why do Ukrainians grumble as if the Lord were not just to them? Those who often grumble do so because of their lack of respect for the Maker.

They groan and complain, having a rather negative view of everything, even of themselves. They are rush to criticize others and are unable to appreciate the beauty of the world around. Their hatred is nothing but the consequence of the warped vision of reality they have formed for themselves.

Some are searching for their lost identity, not knowing what their place in the world is. Lacking personal freedom, they try hard to match up to someone else's expectations.

There is nothing new in the fact that our politicians lie, take bribers, pursue their own interests and care little about the country because this has been going on for ages. God knows all this and will judge everyone.

The wicked, ungrateful to the Maker, have no respect for His wonderful deeds, they are unaware that He cares even for them.

Yes, the merciful God cares even for sinners because He cares for all mankind. He cares for Ukrainians and for their wretched country in which there is so little faith.

"I, even I, am he who blots out your transgressions, for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more" (Isa 43:25 NIV). Due to His great mercy and love, God forgave our sins. We ought to do the same and forgive and love ourselves as well as others.

God gave His Son as a sacrifice of atonement for our sins in order to show His mercy and love for humanity. Is not it great? We are worthy of it. We ought to thank the Lord for everything.

Stop grumbling. Life is beautiful. Respect yourself, care for yourself and remember that your life is precious to God. Have faith and you will be blessed.

To be happy befits every Christian.

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